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We love Burke & Sons! They did our new bathroom, our mini-split, hooked up our refrigerator, and now installed a new water heater. Always professional without being condescending, arrive on time, do great work, clean up completely, and charge a fair price. Super nice people! We can't imagine using anyone else!

Glenn B.

10/10 customer service and responsiveness! I called at 8am and my issue was resolved by noon! Quick efficient service, did not try to upsell me on a replacement of my old boiler, just repaired what was broken, great! Techs were very polite and knowledgeable. Thank you all very much for the quick problem solving and restoring my heat on this chilly day!


When I discovered my water heater appeared to be leaking, I spent what seemed like countless hours researching plumbers in the area and came across Burke & Sons. From the first call all the way through the replacement of my water heater, everyone I encountered was extremely helpful and professional. I couldn’t be happier with my experience and will definitely use Burke & Sons for all my plumbing needs going forward.

Amanda H

Excellent and knowledgeable workmanship with on time service!
Best in the business highly recommend!

Gary M.

We had a severe leak in the shower and water coming through the downstairs ceiling. Two young men came out and had the job done in less than an hour. Talked me through everything and showed me what happened. Very pleased with the work they did. Wonderful Company!

Dan S.

Burke and Sons arrived on time, did a great job, and cleaned up when they were finished. I could not have asked for better service.

Jeff T

Burke and Sons arrived at our home to fix a leak on time and ready to go to work. In a timely manner, the problem was diagnosed, and repaired. We have been customers for over 25 years and can always count on them to solve our plumbing, heating and air-conditioning problems.

Jean W

We had heat pump mini splits installed from Burke and Sons.
Jim and crew were friendly, efficient and professional. Communication was great throughout the process. We are very happy with our new system.

Joe C

Great service! Always here when promised, and work is excellent. I highly recommend Burke and Sons!

Kim M

Contact us today to schedule your free estimate