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Water Heaters for Your Home or Office

When you need water heater services from a trusted professional, contact Burke & Sons Plumbing & Heating. Our knowledgeable and experienced team of water heater contractors has the right tools and brands to ensure that your family is safe and comfortable. We provide complete hot water heater services, including installation, maintenance, and repair services for our commercial and residential customers. As a member of the BBB with an A+ rating, you can always count on our team to deliver exceptional results, no matter the size or scope of the work that needs to be completed. Contact our team today to schedule your service with our team.

Types of Water Heaters We Install

As the area’s leader in hot water heater installation, our team has access to various hot water units for your home or commercial space. Each type of water heater will be installed according to the manufacturer’s warranty by our knowledgeable and experienced technicians to ensure that you get the most value from your new hot water heater. When you choose us for your installation or replacement, our technicians will meet with you to understand your requirements so we can install a water heater that fulfills your property’s specific needs. The types of water heater we install includes:

High-Efficiency Gas

Water heater technology has improved throughout the years to include high-efficiency gas. Your new high-efficiency gas water heater will is designed to reduce your home's energy cost by transferring more heat into the water.


Electric water heaters provide homeowners with reliable hot water for their families. With affordable initial installation costs and a readily available heating source, electric water heaters are the preferred hot water heating system.

Natural Gas

Gas is one of the most affordable energy sources available to homeowners. Our gas water heaters provide you with an economical way to heat the water in your home. We can help you decide if a natural gas system is right for you.

Chimney Vented Units

Natural gas hot water heaters require proper venting. If your home has a chimney, our team can use it as a means to vent your water heater.

Choosing the Right Water Heater Specialist

Burke & Sons Plumbing & Heating has been providing homeowners throughout Groveland, MA, and the surrounding communities with hot water heater installation and repairs since 1984. As a locally-owned and -operated business, you can always count on us to ensure that your home is comfortable throughout the year. As a member of the community in which we serve, we believe it’s essential to provide a high-quality service with honest and affordable pricing. Contact us today to get started.

Contact us today to schedule your free estimate